Event Details
Shibari Rope Jam
30th May 2024, 19:00  Expired      
2 hours
Salt River - Western Cape (South Africa)
Shibari Rope Jam | Hojocuffs | Beginner Friendly

At this beginner-friendly rope jam, we will be learning about the magic of hojocuffs - fundamental ties that will up your restrictive tying game. No prior experience is required, but experienced practitioners are also welcome.

Hojo cuffs, also known as inline cuffs, are fundamental, nifty building blocks in Shibari. They are used to connect two body parts together, for example an ankle to a waist, or to create a restrictive hands-behind-the-back harness, or to include other body parts into existing harness patterns. They are also useful if you'd like to attach your partner to a bed frame or chair! You see where we are going with this...
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