Rope Jam | Partner Tying - Beginner Friendly
Partner Tying - Beginner Friendly
Bondage can be the practice of consensual and recreational play that involves tying, restraining, or binding a person. In our case, the material of choice would be rope. We've had self-tie jams and other wonderfully themed jams - but for this jam, we will be focussing on tying as partners. The intention will be communication, negotiation, and exploring each other using rope as the medium. Partnered tying can also be platonic in nature and can focus on connecting playfully as friends, creating a space of calm and meditation, or even allowing each other a release of emotion whilst being witnessed. Whatever your intention may be, rope can be used to speak and to listen, and that is what being partners is all about.
@rope.fu will be holding space for the first hour of the jam and will take you through some partnered tying practices. In the second half of this jam the floor will be open to putting into action what you've learned or to connect with our team to find out more.
Embodiment Rope Space is a welcoming and safe(r) space for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies. We practice rope communally and host occasional workshops for upskilling the community. Rope is never safe, there are only ways to do it more safely.
Absolute beginners and experienced rope practitioners are welcome to this jam. Rope Jams are spaces where you can come and practice rope tying in a peer-to-peer setting. Singles, couples, throuples, etc. are all welcome. Switching is allowed and encouraged. If you do not have a partner(s) to attend with, you may have to self-tie or enquire with other participants to pair up. Class rope will be available for use for free on the day if you do not have your own rope.
Events start promptly at 19:00. Please DM us via Instagram if you are running late. Doors open at 18:40 and are closed at 19:10. We will be strict about this because late-coming can be very disruptive to those in the space. Pre-booking is essential (cash on the night is available by arrangement via Instagram DM). Please have your tickets ready to be scanned on arrival.
We have limited treated rope from Sudo Jute for sale and safety shears. Non-alcoholic drinks (coke, water, tea, coffee) will also be for sale.
Come dressed however you like - comfy, sexy, sporty, fetish. As long as your booty is covered, you are welcome here.